Hot Leathers/Good Sports Inc.

Hot Leathers Skull Racers Worker Shirt short sleeve GMD 6354 black Biker non iron

- Screen-Printed ‘Skull Racers’ Biker Worker Shirt (35% Cotton 65% Polyester)
- light short-sleeve shirt that doesn’t need ironing;
- with polo collar, two breast pockets and classic button strip
- Made in Honduras
- Like our US t-shirts, these shirts then get their printings in the USA - the homeland of biker t-shirts.
- Comfortable fit
- Chest size M is 112cm

Item ID: 701

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Skull Racers Worker Shirt

Are you a true petrol head? Show it! This light work shirt is made from a mix of 35% cotton and 65% polyester and shows what we love to do:
race to the hilt ...
The shirt has two chest pockets and a classic button strip; the polyester content makes it very easy to care for. After having been washed or simply becoming wet, the shirt will be dry within a very short time and doesn’t need to be ironed. It’s so comfortable that you’ll barely notice wearing it.

As with our US Biker t-shirts, these shirts are made in Central and South America according to rigorous labour requirements.
The shirts then get their printings in the USA - the homeland of biker t-shirts.
The designs are still printed using the long-established silkscreen method.
The colours used are environmentally-friendly and long-lasting, even after the hardest parties and several washes.

They are available from us in ORIGINAL AMERICAN SIZES, meaning they will even fit the bigger and broader contingent among our customers.
Whoever is undecided between two sizes should opt for the smaller one.

  • American Worker Shirt in Skull Racer print from 35% cotton and 65% polyester
  • Just like our t-shirts with biker designs, these are silkscreen printed
  • The shirt is extremely easy to care for and offers the height of comfort
  • Original American sizes, suitable for bigger guys
  • We deliver fast and securely via DPD and DHL

Manufacturer: Hot Leathers/Good Sports Inc.

Responsible person: Hot Leathers/Good Sports Inc., Progress Drive 349, CT06040 Manchester, USA,