AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

SCIPPIS Men's Vest 3V01 Canvas Ribbon Vest Outdoor Cotton outback Australia

- Scippis men's outdoor vest 3VC01 Canvas Ribbon Vest.
- Cotton canvas vest with many pockets.
- Scippis attaches great importance to high-quality clothing.
- Outside 3 breast pockets and 4 pockets above the waistband.
- Complete zipper cover at the top and bottom with buttons.
- Waistband, armholes and collar are elastic.
- Cotton lining with one inside pocket.
- Available colour: mustard
- Material:
100% Cotton
Machine wash 30°
Do not put into dryer

Item ID: 138922

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

SCIPPIS men's vest 3V01 Canvas Ribbon Vest Outdoor 100% cotton

If a jacket is simply too much, but you need some storage space, the Canvas Ribbon Vest is the perfect choice. Made entirely from cotton, the robust canvas fabric is windproof on the outside and keeps out light showers. 

The two chest pockets and the two large pockets above the waistband are equipped with pocket flaps and press studs. There is another smaller pocket with a zipper next to the right breast pocket. The pockets above the waistband conceal 2 further pockets.
The wide cover strip of the full-length zipper, including the collar, is supported by one button at the bottom and two buttons at the top. The cuffs at the collar, armholes and bottom of the vest are naturally flexible and follow your every move.
The inner lining is of course also made of cotton and has an inside pocket.

Unsure of the size?
Simply measure a well-fitting item and find the right size in the attached size chart.

  • Outer material 100% cottonI
  • Inner lining 100% cotton
  • Knitted cuffs at collar, armholes and waistband
  • Concealed zipper
  • High-quality finish

Manufacturer: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Responsible person: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH, Am Thomasboden 2, 97246 Eibelstadt, Germany,