AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

SCIPPIS Hawson Jacket 11001 Softshell jacket water repellent outer pocket zips

- SCIPPIS Hawson Jacket 11001 Softshell jacket
- Very high-quality processed softshell jacket from Australia
- The quality of the fabric and workmanship is perfect
- The 2-way main zip has safety seams and is water repellent
- The hood can be infinitely adjusted and removed
- The inside consistently maintains the body temperature
- 4 outer pockets on the front and the small sleeve pocket are fitted with water repellent zips
-Inside there are 2 approx. Din A5 inside pockets
- The jacket is hip-length and has stepless adjusters at the bottom
- There is also a space for the water repellent pouche for dog treats
- Material: 92% Polyester, 8% Elastan
- Wipe with a damp cloth when dirty

Item ID: 11001

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

SCIPPIS Hawson Jacket 11001 Softshell

We are talking about a very high quality softshell jacket from Downunder.
The Hawson Jacket sets new standards in softshell. The fabric stands out clearly from other jackets of this type, it is treated on the outside and is therefore much more water repellent than jackets from other manufacturers.
The outer zips are all water repellent. The outside temperature often cools down during a rain shower, but the Hawson Jacket maintains body temperature thanks to the treatment of the inside. The upper outer pockets are a good size so that you don't have to contort yourself to reach the bottom of the pocket. The lower outer pockets are also lined. The two inside pockets are slightly larger than a Din A5 page, so you can fit something larger in there and the sewn-on sleeve pocket with zip is the usual size.
The size of the hood with visor can be infinitely adjusted with Velcro and completely removed with press studs. The buttons bear the SCIPPIS logo. The width of the hood can be infinitely adjusted with a drawstring. The thin reflective strip at the back at shoulder height is designed to ensure greater safety in the dark. The width of the sleeve ends can be adjusted with straps.

The Hawson jacket has a longer cut to keep the bum dry, and you can also adjust the drawstring on the right and left. The small addition of the sealable "snack bag" can be filled as required and attached to the jacket.

  • Water repellent for longer than many other softshell jackets
  • The Hawson jacket reaches over the buttocks for the average size
  • Multi-adjustable and detachable hood
  • Water repellent zips and 2-way front zip
  • 5 outer pockets and 2 large inner pockets
  • Width of the sleeve ends adjustable with Velcro tape
  • Treat pouch
  • Material: 92% polyester, 8% elastane

Manufacturer: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Responsible person: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH, Am Thomasboden 2, 97246 Eibelstadt, Germany,