
Men women 9064 Original Biker Boots Cowboy Style Black genuine leather handmade

Mexican biker boots made from luxurious smooth black cow’s leather with leather inner lining.
- They stand out for their reliable workmanship and great materials.
- The extremely soft outer leather features rich ornamentation on the vamp and leg and is stitched to the sole with a double welt seam.
- The striking slanted heel is made from full-grain leather - not plastic, not wood, not hollow.
- Handmade in Mexico.
- This model is equipped with a protective sole.

Item ID: 312

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

9064 Black Handmade Biker Boots

With these great biker boots from luxurious black cow’s leather with leather inner lining, handmade mexican boots make no effort to hide
their proud Wild West roots. They stand out for their reliable workmanship and great materials.
The extremely soft outer leather features rich ornamentation on the vamp and leg and is stitched to the sole with a double welt seam.
The s!triking slanted heel is made from full-grain leather - not plastic, not wood, not hollow. The outsole is also fully pre-equipped with a rubber protective sole.

Handmade in Mexico

To our friends in UK, just want to make sure that this item passes customs and may cost some fee because of the brexit. 

  • Rancho are famous for their elaborately decorated biker and cowboy style boots
  • The premium quality leather is hand-sewn and super soft after just a short breaking-in period
  • Of course they have a leather inner lining and a comfortable insole
  • Outer leather and sole are stitched together via a double welt seam
  • We ship quickly and securely via DPD express delivery

Manufacturer: Mezcalero/Rancho

Responsible person: Mezcalero/Rancho, Weißfrauenhofstraße 28, 52388 Düren Nörvenich, Germany,