AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Scippis canvas multi bag OWK01 Port Arthur practical fold-out unisex black olive

- The canvas bag OWK01 Port Arthur has these dimensions when closed: height 23cm, width 18cm, depth 8.5cm
- It is a well thought-out everyday companion
- A shoulder bag with a strong, adjustable 3.5 cm wide shoulder strap
- It is an elaborately crafted organizing miracle
- An authentic Australian outback bag
- The bag with flap and press studs at the back is 17 cm high
- The front provides plenty of space again
- 2 side zippers give you even more space with additional pockets
- Full length of the shoulder strap approx. 120cm
- Made in China

Available colours
black, olive

Canvas, 100% Cotton

Item ID: 138931

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

The OWK01 Port Arthur outdoor bag from SCIPPIS is a real space saver

This bag fits much more than it suggests. It is also intelligently designed. It's up to you to find all the storage compartments, most of them are lockable, the others are positioned in such a way that there should be no loss. There is a pocket on the back that can be closed with strong press studs. Between the back and front is the large main compartment measuring 23 cm high, 18 cm wide and 8.5 cm deep, secured with a zipper.
To the front: 
On top you get a zippered compartment approx. 3cm high for e.g. coins etc. The flap with the press stud is not spectacular at first - but if you open the zippers on the sides, there are 6 more options for securing one or two things. The permanently integrated carabiner ensures that you can secure your keys, for example.

  • one lockable spacious main compartment
  • one large lockable compartment on the back
  • two inserts in the front compartment
  • one carabiner in the front compartment
  • front compartment doubly secured
  • Adjustable shoulder strap

Manufacturer: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Responsible person: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH, Am Thomasboden 2, 97246 Eibelstadt, Germany,