AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Scippis Stockman Coat raincoat riding coat wind water proof brown black hooded

- Well thought-out lined raincoat
- Not just biker coats, outdoor coats or riding coats
- Western fans will also enjoy it
- Wind- and waterproof
- Shoulder area is doubly protected from the weather by the shoulder cape
- The detachable hood can be easily stowed away in one of the 2 outer pockets
- One extra inside pocket
- The 2-way zipper is protected by a press stud placket
- Unsure because of the size?
- Please use our size chart
- Measure and reduce your CO² footprint due to returns

Available colours

Outer material:
100% Polyester
100% Cotton

Item ID: 10000

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Scippis Stockman Coat 10000 raincoat riding coat wind and water proof

This coat is perfect for those who have to go out in all weathers or simply get caught out in really bad weather. Whether on the bike or on the horse, the Stockman Coat is relatively light, can be zipped up to the top and meets expectations in bad weather. The shoulder area is further protected by a cape. 
For riders or bikers, it is also important to keep the legs as dry as possible - thanks to the seat pleat and adjustable leg loops, the coat can be fastened in such a way that you don't arrive at your destination “pitch wet”.

  • The riding slot is approx. 70cm long
  • The leg loops at the bottom of the coat can be closed with Velcro straps
  • The hood can be removed completely
  • The corduroy collar closes all the way to the end of the collar
  • The sleeve width can be adjusted with Velcro

Manufacturer: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Responsible person: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH, Am Thomasboden 2, 97246 Eibelstadt, Germany,