AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Scippis Men's Vest Shirt 3V03 Canvas Vest Cairns Hooded Australian Look tobacco

- Sleeveless shirt/vest with hood and large armholes
- The length covers the bottom and is also suitable for tall people
- The strong press studs show the Scippis logo on the top
- The plaid-lined hood can be adjusted with a drawstring
- The two large chest pockets are spacious thanks to the bottom
- The shirt is made of 100% cotton/canvas
- The available color is tobacco
- Unsure about the size?
- Please use our size chart as a guide and compare it with your own garment
- Material:
100% Cotton
Machine wash 30°
Do not put into dryer

Item ID: 138935

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

SCIPPIS men's vest 3V03 in light, airy cotton with hood

The Scippis 3V03 vest is unlined and has a long cut. It is very light, reminiscent of a long shirt without sleeves - but it has a lined hood lining and a drawstring. The large armholes are very comfortable. The two patch chest pockets have an almost 4 cm wide bottom that tapers towards the top. The strong press studs from the button placket are also attached to the pocket flaps so that nothing gets lost. The shirt is a normal size and has small slits on the left and right.

  • Scippis men's vest 3V03 made from 100% cotton
  • Generous armholes allow plenty of freedom of movement
  • The checked lined hood has a drawstring
  • There is space for one or two things in the breast pockets
  • In size L the vest is approx. 75cm long

Manufacturer: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Responsible person: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH, Am Thomasboden 2, 97246 Eibelstadt, Germany,