BANDIT Helmets

Bandit Helmets Open Face Helmet ECE 22 05 matt black Fibreglas skin friendly lining

- Optically small matt black jet helmet with ECE 22-05 standard
- No matter what bike you use it on, this helmet will do the job
- Three different sized outer shells, depending on head size
- Weight 750-950 gram
- The helmet is supplied with a sun shield, quick-release fastener and a cotton bag
- You don't know your size - simply measure the circumference of your head with a tape measure on your forehead just above your eyebrows
-A good Tip:
- The ECE jet helmets are stiffer than those without ECE. It is better to buy it one size larger than you measured

Item ID: 128407

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Bandit Helmets ECE approved jet helmet

The ECE jet helmet from Bandit Helmets is now fully developed. Fit and wearing comfort have been further developed and significantly improved. 
Now it rightly bears its name - the optically SMALLEST jet helmet with ECE 22-05 standard.
The three differently sized outer shells remain - but the helmet now sits much lower and thus the "cone head" effect is history.
The weight is between 750 - 950 grams, depending on the size.
These ECE jet helmets are a bit stiffer than the ones without the ECE standard but you can wear them really well and the one or other cop in our neighbouring countries will surely be amazed when you come into a control with them.

Unsure about the right size? Simply measure the circumference of your head with a tape measure directly above your eyebrows.

  • Fibreglass shell
  • very small construction
  • low weight, 750-950 gram
  • ECE 22-05 standard
  • Fast delivery

Manufacturer: BANDIT Helmets

Responsible person: BANDIT Helmets GmbH, Darwinstr. 2, 10589 Berlin, Charlottenburg, Germany,

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