BANDIT Helmets

Bandit Helmets Motorcycle Helmet Alien II Streetfighter ECE 22 05 carbon black white

- ECE 22-05 homologated
- regulated Ventilation
- Ventilation exit on rear side
- removeable coolmax lining
- fiberglass shell
- 3 mm CLEAR visor
- allowed on race tracks
- You don't know your size - simply measure with a tape measure the head circumference on the forehead directly above the eyebrows

Item ID: 348

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Bandit Helmets Alien II, ECE 22-05 homologated

The Alien II is the careful buyer’s choice in terms of quality value for money and an affordable ECE homologated full face helmet.
Choose from various helmet shells, whether GRP fibreglass (shipping weight approx. 1.2kg) or genuine carbon (shipping weight approx. 1kg).
The Alien II boasts adjustable front ventilation with a rear air outlet at the neck area, a great combination.

This helmet is ECE homologated meaning it is permitted on almost all racing tracks.
The Coolmax inner lining is hypo-allergenic, skin-friendly, comfortable and removable and washable.
The Alien II also has a click-fastening with adjustable chinstrap and includes a CLEAR, 3mm thick visor.
Bandit Helmets has also produced tinted and iridium mirrored visors, also with UV protection for this particular model.

To find the right size, measure the circumference of your head directly above your eyebrows.

To our friends in UK, just want to make sure that this item passes customs and may cost some fee because of the brexit. 


  • The ECE-2205 homologated Alien II helmet also features a top air outlet for ventilation at the top of the head
  • The affordable Fibreglass version is complemented by the genuine carbon shell
  • The Coolmax inner lining is removable and skin-friendly
  • Includes a CLEAR visor, other visors are also available from the manufacturer.
  • Fast delivery

Manufacturer: BANDIT Helmets

Responsible person: BANDIT Helmets GmbH, Darwinstr. 2, 10589 Berlin, Charlottenburg, Germany,

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