Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha Industries Urban Military 138420 Shirt cotton olive grey chest pockets

A great new shirt from Alpha Industries is on
- casual overshirt is made from pure cotton
- Chest pockets with approx. 2cm wide pocket bottom and pocket flaps
- Discreet snap buttons
- Flag on the flap of the left breast pocket
- Alpha logo on right epaulet
- practical multipocket on the sleeve
Available colours
684 vintage-grey, 142 dark olive

100% Cotton
Machine wash 30°
Do not put into dryer

Item ID: 138509

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Alpha Industries Urban Military Shirt 138420 Shirt 100% Cotton

A great new shirt from Alpha Industries is at the start.
The casual overshirt is made of pure cotton and has the stuff to become a favorite shirt. The chest pockets attract attention because they are not sewn flat but have a 2cm wide pocket bottom and pocket flaps with 2 snaps, so something bigger fits in.
All snaps are discreet - even those at the ends of the sleeves. 
But the rather plain shirt shows flag on the flap of the left breast pocket with the small patch and the proof of origin on it. The right epaulette is adorned with a small embroidered Alpha logo. On the left sleeve you'll find the handy multipocket. 
The one-piece back is subtle on the outside and has some more info about Alpha on the inside below the collar.

  • The shirt is very well made
  • It looks great in both colors
  • Washing at 30 ° is recommended

Manufacturer: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible person: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG, Siemensstr. 11, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany,

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