Alpha Industries

Alpha Industries mens clothing t-shirt RBF Moto T black olive Back Print 100% cotton 116512

100% cotton and just as much spirit in the printed text
- Remove before fight might give you a great feeling when you really take off
- Rustic print across the chest at the front and across the entire back at the back
- Available sizes are S-3XL
- The T-shirt runs normal size
- Regular Fit

Available colours
03-black, 142-dark olive

100% Cotton
Machine washable 30°
do NOT put into dryer

Item ID: 128404

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Alpha Industries RBF Moto T 116512

Time and again, the connection to the US Air Force is made. As an outfitter for the Air Force and the Army, Alpha Industries earned its good reputation by producing well thought-out flight jackets and robust field jackets, and the spirit is still evident in many of its products today.

The RBF Moto T is made of 100% cotton, has the company name across the front in 4cm high letters and on the back in approx. 12cm high letters "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" under each other and with the 7cm high Alpha logo as a base underneath. The print is designed to look like it is many years old.

The shirt runs normal size.

Regular Fit

  • Large vertical Remove Before Flight back print in white
  • Reinforced seams in high stress areas e.g. neckline
  • Red neck tape inside with Remove Before Flight in white
  • Alpha logo print at the neck, red Alpha tag at the end of the shirt
  • Small Alpha flag in black and gold on the left sleeve

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