Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha Industries Mens Summer Jacket MA1 TT Hood Nylon Detachable Sweat-Hood 196108

- Alpha fans immediately recognize parallels to the MA-1 D-Tec
- It does not have the double zipper of the D-Tec
- But the hood of double fabric is also removable
- Flight nylon with nylon lining
- Almost fits normal - a little slender cut
- slim fit

Outer Fabric:
100% Nylon

100% Nylon
80% Cotton
20% Polyester

Dry Cleaning

Item ID: 842

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Alpha Industries MA-1 TT Hood

This flight jacket immediately reminds of the MA-1 D-Tec. The relationship can not be denied - that is not the plan either.
It is lightweight, completely nylon and with the detachable hood perfect for any time outside of winter.

Of course, you'll find all the bags right where you expect them to be on an Alpha jacket. The side pockets on the outside are MA-1-like oblique and have embossed black snaps, the Utility Pocket is on the left upper arm and inside you have 2 large chest pockets with Velcro.

The smooth running metal zipper underneath has a wide storm flap and turns your new MA-1 into a windbreaker. The hood is made of double fabric and therefore keeps its shape very well.

The Alpha Industries patch on the left side of the chest can be removed thanks to Velcro and then gives the view of the Velcro pad with embossed Alpha logo.

The MA-1 TT Hood is almost normal. However, if you prefer a loose fit you should take it one size bigger.

Slim fit

  • No coincidence! The look is reminiscent of the MA-1 D-Tec but is a summer jacket
  • The design is up-to-date, the hood can be zipped and fastened
  • The MA-1 TT Hood is slimmer cut than the MA-1 bomber jacket
  • Multi Pocket with "Remove Before Flight" key fob
  • Black push buttons with embossed Alpha Industries lettering on the outer pockets

Manufacturer: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible person: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG, Siemensstr. 11, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany,