Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha Industries RBF Utility Bag Shoulderbag Belt Bag Leather 126914

- Compact alround bag made of leather for on the go
- 2 additional pockets with zipper secure important things
- Removable shoulder strap and wide belt loop make it variable
- Dimensions: approx. 18cm high, 13cm wide, 4cm deep
- Outside pocket 13x13cm
- All metal parts are chrome-plated to match the zippers
- Alpha Logo embossed in the leather on the front
- with RBF key ring

Item ID: 896

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Alpha Industries RBF Leather Utility Bag 126914

is a compact all-round leather bag for many applications.

The large main compartment of the leather bag can be opened and closed completely at the top up to the lateral half rings for the shoulder strap with a zipper, thus providing comfortable access to everything in the bag. The adjustable shoulder strap made of Cordura can be removed with a snap hook. The bag can then also be used as a belt pouch thanks to a wide loop on the back.

 On the front is a 13x13 cm flat bag with a zipper. Inside you will find another zippered pocket for papers, etc.

The small space miracle is about 18cm high, 13cm wide, 4cm deep. All metal parts are chrome plated and fit perfectly to the silver zippers.
With red RBF key ring

  • Can be used as a shoulder or belt pouch and can store a lot of things
  • 2 additional zippered pockets ensure that nothing gets lost
  • Robust bag made of black cowhide with adjustable Cordura shoulder strap
  • The proof of origin is discreetly embossed into the leather
  • With Alpha RBF key fob

Manufacturer: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible person: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG, Siemensstr. 11, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany,

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