Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha Industries Mens Crew Carry Bag Shoulder Belt Flight Nylon brown black green 196924

- Water-repellent nylon bag as storage space for traveling
- 2 pockets with zipper secure important things
- Removable shoulder strap and wide belt loop makes it variable
- Measures: about 20cm high, 16cm wide, 5cm deep
- outside pocket 12x12cm with pen pockets
- outside black, sage green, hunter brown - inside orange

Item ID: 845

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Alpha Industries Crew Carry Bag 196924

is a compact water repellent all-round bag for many uses.

The large main compartment of the nylon bag can be completely opened and closed up to the side mounted half rings for receiving the shoulder strap by zipper.
The adjustable shoulder strap can be removed with snap hooks and then the bag can also be used as a belt pouch thanks to a wide loop.

 There is a 12x12 cm flat pocket on the front, the multipocket with a zip pocket.

The small space miracle is about 20cm high, 16cm wide, 5cm deep and has an orange lining.

  • Can be stowed away as a shoulder or belt bag
  • 2 zippered pockets ensure that nothing is lost
  • Robust bag made of flight nylon as the bomber jackets from Alpha
  • The proof of origin is clear - outside black, sage green, orange on the inside
  • A small alpha flag on the front and a patch on the back

Manufacturer: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible person: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG, Siemensstr. 11, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany,

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