Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha Industries Mens T Shirt Alpha Industries 126505 T cotton jersey black olive white

- Discreet but irresistible T-Shirt by Alpha
- The single color print ends right and left at the sleeve holes
- A shirt without show-off but with a clear design
- 100% combed cotton wears great
- Alpha Flag on the sleeve and a little bit more clearly at the end of the shirt
- The red neckband ensures a perfect fit
- The shirt is regular fit

Available colours
03 black, 142 dark olive, 95 black white

100% Cotton
Machine washable 30°
do NOT put into dryer

Item ID: 899

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Alpha Industries T 126505

The T-shirt has the potential to become as popular as the Basic T from Alpha.

The very distinctive chest print is new and ends in the sleeve seams. The 7cm high logo print is a very durable transfer print.
The shirt is made of 100% combed cotton jersey. On the left sleeve end you will find the well-known Alpha flag and at the bottom of the shirt end the proof of origin is again a bit more visible in red.

The red neckband has proven itself and keeps your shirt in good shape - even if you want to get out too hard.

The shirt is normal sized.
Regular fit

  • Horizontal chest print up to the sleeve holes
  • 100% combed cotton jersey = great wearing comfort
  • Red neck band for a perfect fit
  • Very good material and very good workmanship
  • Machine washable up to 30 degrees

Manufacturer: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible person: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG, Siemensstr. 11, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany,