Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha Industries Mens Basic T Camo black green orange Big A Print Cotton 100501 C

- Finally the Alpha Basic T in camouflage is ready for the show
- 100% cotton - 100% T-Shirt - 100% Alpha
- The Basic T is THE T-Shirt among T-Shirts - similar to the MA-1 among jackets
- This statement belongs in every wardrobe
- Fails normally, Regular Fit

Available colours
125 black camo, 239 olive camo, 634 brushstroke green, 681 burned camo

100% Cotton
Machine washable 30°
do NOT put into dryer

Item ID: 879

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Alpha Industries Basic T-Shirt camo black 100501C

One or the other may well say "it's just a T-shirt".
The connoisseur knows, it is one of the first T-shirts of Alpha Industries and it is actually THE Alpha T-shirt par excellence.
Finally, every Basic-T fan can now have the most popular T-Shirt in camouflage.

After brushstroke green, the popular Basic T gets reinforcement in the new colour burned camo.

100% cotton - 100% T-Shirt - 100% Alpha

Popular for decades, it holds almost the same status among shirts as the MA-1 among jackets.
It belongs in every closet and you finally know what you've been missing.

Regular Fit

  • Extremely comfortable to wear with a clear message
  • Alpha Industries has long been established as at the height of fashion
  • This t-shirt should not be missing from any well-stocked Alpha wardrobe
  • T-shirts come and T-shirts go - the Basic T of Alpha remains
  • Tried - Tested - Proven

Manufacturer: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible person: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG, Siemensstr. 11, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany,

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