Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha Industries Mens Basic OS Heavy T Oversized Comfortable black white 116514

- This 220gr/m² Heavy T-Shirt lives up to its name
- Dense cotton with great wearing comfort
- 3XL from the Basic T corresponds to about XL on this T-Shirt
- Transfer print with Alpha logo on the chest
- A little eye-catcher here and there
- Oversized Fit

Available colours
03 black, 09 white

100% Cotton
Machine washable 30°
do NOT put into dryer

Item ID: 911

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Alpha Industries Basic OS Heavy T 116514 oversized fit

The 220gr/m² Heavy T lives up to its name and fits really relaxed. This is good news for all those who have found the regular Basic T either too small or who prefer to wear it a little more airy.

To make sure you understand what I am talking about here, if we take a 3XL Basic T 100501 and put a Basic OS Heavy T in size XL on top of it, the two shirts are almost the same size. The Basic OS Heavy T is made of stronger cotton and wears "first class".

The transfer print with the Alpha logo and the origin on the chest makes a very good impression, the little extras like the small red flag at the end of the shirt, the red neckband inside, the print underneath and the small Alpha flag on the left sleeve are of course not missing.

Very successful...

Oversized fit

  • For printed clothing, washing inside out prolongs the durability of the print.
  • The shirt comes hygienically packed individually 
  • All seams are sturdy which is what the name of the company stands for
  • We have the shirt in different colours

Manufacturer: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible person: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG, Siemensstr. 11, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany,

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